Trigger Point Pilates

Release muscles, enhance movement and alleviate chronic pain…


TPP Restorative Pilates: THURSDAY 09:00 – 09:50

Drop in class £16.50, or a term-long booking works out at £14.50 per class.

Seniors’ concession rate is £12.50 per class when booked for the term.

TASTER CLASS: Why not contact to arrange a Taster Class to see what Lydia’s class might do for you? Just give a token donation of your choice to our charity and try the class out before signing up with Lydia.

BOOK: Call or text Lydia on 07956 645741


Trigger Point Pilates™ (TPP) expertly combines core Pilates exercises with clinical Myofascial principles to help alleviate chronic pain conditions and scar tissue.

It is designed to release those tight muscles, enhance your functional daily movement and restructure the body.

Fascia restrictions occur in everyone, whatever their age, activity or level of fitness. So TPP attracts everyone from keep sportspeople to those who have suffered injury or trauma.

In our TPP Restorative Pilates classes, created and led by fitness expert Lydia Campbell, many of the exercises work on releasing the deeper layers of fascia whilst targeting the release of ‘trigger points’.

Equipment such as bands and massage balls, which are all provided, are used to release and realign the body.

Lydia advises that healthy fascia needs to be kept hydrated with water and movement. This allows the body tissue to change and heal.

‘The worst thing you can do is sit around in a chair all day, even if you are injured or post-operative or live with a chronic painful condition,’ she says.

In TPP Women’s Health, Lydia has designed a unique class using equipment with a fascia focus for women of all ages and abilities.

Our fascia are on a forever changing story due to life events, stages, hormones, and peri to post menopause, all of which create inflammation in our bodies. This can cause pelvic floor issues and chronic pain, especially in hips and backs, as well as anxiety.

This class can help with a range of issues affecting the pelvic floor, scar tissue, trigger point adhesions and breast care.

What is Myofascia?


Myo, meaning muscle, and Fascia, meaning the system of connective tissue that lies just under the surface of our skin. Its job is to attach, stabilise, enclose and separate muscles and internal organs.

Our bodies are made of fascia. Think of it as a transparent cling film covering every muscle, a web of connective tissue. This multi-dimensional matrix surrounds, intertwines, protects and supports every part of your body.

Fascia is wrapped throughout the body on ‘lines of pull’. Imagine one piece connecting from the brow to your toes, fingers to chest and neck.

This is what we are working on to release in Trigger Point Pilates.

Trigger points

Myofascia is highly sensitive as it is full of nerve cells and sensitive to every hormone in your system. With every repetitive functional movement, the fascia reacts to each bump, bruise, physical and emotional trauma.

A build-up of fascia cells creates inflammation; a deep, nagging, painful area known as a ‘trigger point’ in the body. Referral pain can occur in the body from a nerve running from one area to another part of the body where a trigger point may be.

Outward and inward injury or trauma to the body, for example a fall, a collision, surgery, repetitive physical stress or emotional stress affects the fascia system.

Trauma causes fascia adhesions to form a chronic pain, a change in joint motion (scar tissue) to change in bodily functions from digestion to headaches and conditions such as arthritis, including osteoarthritis, and fibromyalgia.


TPP Restorative Pilates: THURSDAY 09:00 – 09:50

5 weeks block booking £48 or drop in £15

BOOK: Call or text Lydia on 07956 645741


TPP was created by fitness industry expert Lydia Campbell after 45 years of clinical work and Pilates teaching experience.

As a person living with osteoarthritis due to years of intense exercise and professional dance, she designed this programme focusing on fascia health to cater for chronic conditions and scar tissue.

Check out our Timetable for this week’s sessions, as well as our unmissable Upcoming Events!


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